Enjoying a walk down the sidewalk in Asheville, we were peeking in various restaurant windows and finally we peeked in Bouchon French Bistro's window and it looked lovely. However, the place was packed, and it didn't look like a table would be available soon. That's when we spied a sign for crepes, and following the sign, we found ourselves in this charming courtyard. It was a lovely oasis, with a few fireflies dancing around. This is meant to be a street food experience, which means you place your order inside and then they bring it to you. While there are tables inside, it was too lovely of a courtyard to miss the opportunity of dining outside.
They serve beer and wine, along with the usual selection of non-alcoholic beverages. They have a selection of savory crepes and sandwiches and the french fries are a must try here. When in a crepe place, I cannot leave without trying the sweet crepes as I am always waiting to get to the dessert. Although, I always have to try the nutella crepes because I have a nutella addiction, I also decided to try the sugar and lemon crepe. Both crepes were delicious and the lemon crepes had just the right amount of tart, but the nutella crepe was my favorite. This is a wonderful place to enjoy crepes in a beautiful outdoor setting.
Creperie Bouchon
62 1/8 North Lexington Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801

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